Mother I
remember my mother's face, Her gentle
blue eyes, Her kind smile, And
tears well to my eyes.
She has
passed away, Passed from my
sight, Passed from my world, And
gone is my
 Memories Rain
is falling, Memories are
calling From long, long ago, And
back to youth I go,
To play again
along the creek. My lost youth I
seek Back in the mind's eye Once
more before I die.
Night This
gentle, blessed night Fair angels
doth adorn, Unseen, take their
flight Before the birth of
No mortal could abide On
this night so very fair, Without joy
inside For the grace of being
 A Star There
is beauty in a star Twinkling kindly
from afar, Sending rays of
light In the midst of darkest
Whether bright or whether
dim, It discourages all the
grim. What a blessed state to
me When a star I can
 I Wish I
Were I wish I
were her fork or spoon, That I might
touch her lips. I wish I were her
comb, Then I might caress her
hair. I envy all her fingers
I wish I were her clock on
the wall, Then she might glance at me
sometimes. The wind is more blessed
than I, It can kiss her cheek. I
wish I were her lamp, So that I could
watch over her.
It would be too
much to ask, I suppose, to be her
pillow. Just to be her
mirror Would be a joy to me, More
than I could ever hope for.
I wish
I were a nightingale, Then every
night I would sing Just outside her
window. I wish I were the
sunlight, That I might sparkle in her
 Thank Thee
God Thank thee
dear God For giving unto me Thy
wondrous blessings, Unworthy though I
Praises I do raise With joy
unto the sky For all the wonderful
gifts From the Lord on
 Dreams Follow, ever follow on, Cast not your
dreams away, For when your dreams are
gone hope can no longer
Believe, and they will come
true. Create them ever fair, For
your dreams, they are you. Without
dreams nought is there.
them bravely with your heart. They
will not lead you wrong. Beauty
cannot depart If you to dreams
In that land there comes
no woe, But all around is
joy. Where dreams forever
grow There can nothing
 Futile "it
is all futile," I say, And then comes
a brighter day, The birds sing a new
song, and I feel maybe I really do
The sky seems a deeper
blue, And the sun shines brighter
too, and all my dark thoughts
leave As I begin again to
 Love The
eternal promise I do give. I do make
the world live. Hope I plant upon the
breast, And joy I plant
within. The weary one may in me
rest, And ever rest
Though of time I may be a
part, I know of no time in the
heart. All the days and the
years Are but a moment gone
by. Through all the the hopes and
fears True love can never
God in heaven above Is the
giver of love. All the angels know of
me, And have me for their own, For
I shall ever be, And never be
I have power within my
hand To give peace unto every
land. There is no limit to my
power. It is a bottomless
well From which if drawn
entire Can unlock the gates of
I was born before
all. Before time I did call. Life
nor death cannot stop me, Nor is
there distance too great, For I of
all restraints am free. I live in a
harmonious state.
I hold the keys
to peace and joy, But never the keys
to destroy. I am the one gift that
can be sent, And return a
hundredfold. I can forever be
spent, And still never be
My substance is
honesty, And truth is all of me. I
cannot live within a lie, Nor without
the proper light. For shallowness I
am too high, And too bright for the
I ever speak of things
divine. Everything with me is
fine. I give hope to hopeless
things, And light unto the dark. I
am the inspiration that brings Unto
life a glowing spark.
I am what is
beyond ever. I am lowly never. I
am the spring that ever flows. The
unending stream. I am the wind that
ever blows. The ever perfect
I am beyond compare. The
one thing for which all care. The
right and not the wrong, The tune in
which to play. I in everything
belong. I will never pass
 Hate The
eternal curse is mine. I destroy what
is fine, And peace I take
away, And joy and all the good. No
good thing can with me stay, None can
be understood.
In many forms I
appear, Envy, jealousy, disdain, and
fear. In one form or another I
have often turned Brother against
brother. Cities I have
I upon violence do
feed. Am at the root of every evil
deed. Without me all wars would
die, For I ferment every war. I
make loud the war cry. It is I that
peace does mar.
I bring anger to
bear. I the cords of love tear. I
have entered every scene, Done my
damage every place. It is I who have
made men mean, Pitted brutal anger in
their face.
In the shadows I do
sulk and live. From there my power I
do give. I am every secret
sneer. I am every selfish
thought. I am every hidden
fear. In you I may be
Ah, the power of inspiration In he
who seeks its cooperation. Wondrous
things it may impart. Masterpieces
flow from the inspired heart.
who has hold of this golden key May
unlock the doors to all eternity, May
eat of manna from above, Be engulfed
by the awe of divine love.
journey beyond his abode here Unto a
new and more heavenly
sphere. Inspiration cannot be
bought. It can only by a miracle be
 What I
Believe I believe
God is the reason for every
raindrop, And reveals His love in
each one. Every leaf that falls I
believe is known, And there is a
purpose for its life and
Each grain of sand I trust
is numbered, And relegated to a
specific spot. I cannot believe the
beauty of a flower is lost Merely
because its petals fall to
No one will ever persuade
me that breath is wasted Even by the
humblest and most abject of
creatures. And I believe the
brightest light is not in the
sky, But in our heart when we do the
right thing.
 Believing There is a way I feel. My belief, my
faith is real. Though bad may come my
way, There will be a better
Some day the sun will
shine, And peace and joy will be
mine. Tomorrow will be bright, And
everything be all right.
In the
midst of ill I keep on believing
still. Despair I cast from me, And
look for victory.

The Poet The
poet sees and tells From the spring
which within wells. The poet is
unbound. Beneath the poet is holy
The poet speaks gentle
words Spoken only by singing
birds, Or words to the
wise Gathered where the eagle
The poet is a
prophet Who has with unseen angels
met. The poet has the voice To
make one cry or rejoice.
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Email: walterwestfall@webtv.net