Death Of A little
CalfOne day along a pasture
I moved lightly along,
mother and her calf I herded,
a happy song.
The sky was blue and
spring was nigh,
And life appeared so
The calf followed mother
Seeming without a
When up a small rise we three
The small calf did stagger
The mother turned and
The calf to onward
The little one was breathing
From there it could not go
Suddenly it fell upon the
Its strength was all
Upon the ground it fought for
Andkicked with all its
Mother cow looked in
It was a sad sight.
last the calf could heave no
And did quiver with a
Did kick and roll on down the
And before me there did
Now, many years have past,
Since that
sad day in May,
When I walked that pasture
And the little calf died that

Caring For
We must be aware and care about
the needs and the suffering of others. I
mean if we are not aware and do not care
then there is something wrong. Humane
beings must help bear the burdens of
others. Imagine how wonderful the world
could be if each person looked upon
another person's troubles as their own,
and sought with all their strength and
ability to help another.
If we are
fortunate enough to have food, shelter,
health, friends, and family then we
should be very thankful and thank our
blessings. Perhaps if we are so blessed
we donot see the need to help those who
are destitute and bereft of those
blessings we enjoy. But I grant you if
we were on the other side of the fence
and were destitute and without food,
shelter, health, friends, family, or
anyone who cared about us, then we would
understand the need to help those less
Great love is needed in
this world of ours to avert the many
tragedies certain to occur without it.
People must care for other

A Peaceful Valley
In a valley I should choose to live,
A peaceful valley green and low,
Where gentle things might thrive,
And there in peace with me grow;
A valley far from noise and hurry,
Filled with only pleasant sound,
So completely free from worry,
That all the animals flock around;
Discord would be a thing of the past,
In this beautiful paradise of mine,
As contentment would come at last,
In my quiet secluded valley so fine.

The Muskrat
It's fairly
obvious the muskrat is happy. Diving in the
water, swimming effortlessly here and there, he
seems a carefree soul. One moment he's nibbling
on a blade of grass, then plunging into the
water his mouth filled with a bouquet of grass,
as he dives headfirst into his home in the
The muskrat appears oblivious of all
around him, and goes about his business as if
the world were his and he had as much right in
it as anyone else. A calmness seems to prevail
with the muskrat, as he never seems to worry,
but acts as if he always has things well in
hand. At swimming he is an expert. His hind legs
propel him along with their long easy strokes,
while his chin sets on the surface of the water,
gently breaking the water like a bow.
ancestors where here before mine, and staked
their claim long before mine ever set foot on
this continent. Therefore I suppose he has as
much right, if not more right to that water hole
than I have.

Water, our life you
You have life giving power,
living things you feed,
For you all life has
a need;
Be it a flower or the grass,
Or a
man drinking from a glass,
Be it a dog or
Or a bird flying in the air;
Or the
fish that do swim,
Or the tree's living
For water each and all,
Need the
drops that fall;
Farmers with their crops of
That soak up all the rain,
Need the
water from the sky,
Without which we all
would die.

In Loving Memory
It has
been a year,
Since you from us did
But you will always be dear,
our memory and our heart.
The days without you
are long,
And we are sad you are gone,
you would want us to be strong,
And with our
lives to go on.
Now you are at rest,
from all pain and woe,
In the realm of the
Where love and peace doth flow.
look forward to seeing you again,
Upon the
other shore,
There will be no sadness
But peace and happiness

Let The Sunshine In
One has only to open a window and pull up the shade to brighten up their world by letting the sunlight and fresh air into a room. What a wonderful thing the sunshine is. How it brightens our world. The sunlight makes everything glow in its heavenly light. It lights up the darkest corners of a room, and takes away the musty odors and dankness in the air. The sunlight makes everything fresh and bright.
What a pity all the free sunlight going to waste while people are wont to spend their days in their dark rooms. It is like refusing love when it is given. There are rooms that have not had sunlight in them for many years. There are dark rooms locked away in our hearts as well. They need to be opened up and bathed in heavenly sunlight also.
Sometimes our homes and our hearts become to moldy and stuffy. There are too many closed doors and dark rooms in our world. It is time to let the warm sunlight and fresh air in. It is time brighten the dark rooms, and bathe in God's heavenly sunlight.